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Upgrade Your Home Audio Distribution with the Latest Sony AV Receiver

A Sony home theater receiver in a living room setup.

Create an Immersive Media Environment Across Your Whole Home

An audio distribution system can bring your favorite media to every area of your New York, NY, property. You can enjoy party tunes or soothing background music in any room at just the tap of a button. But if you want to take your home entertainment to the next level, you need the proper AV solutions in place.

Sony’s latest offering, the ES 8K AV receiver, can enhance your home audio performance entirely. Read on to find out more about how this sound solution can transform the audio distribution across your home!

Transform Your Home Entertainment with a Sony OLED TV

A Sony TV hanging inside a cozy living room.

Watch Your Media in a Brand-New Way with Stunning Visuals

Why settle for the ordinary quality of going to the theater when you can elevate your home entertainment to the next level with breathtaking visuals from a Sony OLED TV? Dive headfirst into a world of stunning, immersive cinema that will exceed all expectations while watching your favorite movies and tv shows in the comfort of your media room. Keep reading to learn how you can transform your home entertainment today!

How to Boost Workplace Communication with Conference Room AV

A meeting room featuring conference room AV solutions.

Keep Everyone On Task & On the Same Page at the Press of a Button

Constant communication is a must in any workplace. Miscommunications can lead to delays in production and overall frustration shared between employees. But when every meeting can run without interruptions or technical glitches, you’ll find that teams stay on task and remain productive for the entire day!

Upgraded conference room AV can make all the difference across your offices in New York. Want to find out more? Keep reading below.

Why Work With A Smart Home Designer?

A smart home designer showing three people some design plans on a laptop.

Before Trying DIY, See How a Smart Home Company Can Help 

To install a new kitchen, you’d likely hire a professional. And if you want new flooring, you’d probably hire a contractor, too. So, if you’re interested in a smart home system, why not trust the experts to install it? After all, the system touches all facets of your house—lighting, security, entertainment, HVAC, and more. 

Many people don’t know that smart home designers exist—and we’re used to that! But once you embark on the smart home journey, you’ll see why the best results require programming, wiring, and installations by an expert. 

To DIY a smart home, you’d risk ending up with a system that’s more of a headache than it’s worth. When you partner with a professional smart home designer, all your technologies will perform seamlessly in synchronicity, blended into your interiors. 

Here’s what a smart home company can do for your home.